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HDR theses, academic papers, journal articles, books, websites: Anything you can write, I can copy-edit.

critical reading

Got a paper sitting there almost finished? Need another point of view? 

style compliance

Need a style change for publication and haven't got time to faff about with the details?


Two heads are better than one: Want to workshop some of those frustrating language or structure issues with someone new?


I've been working in my own business as an academic copy-editor and writing consultant since 2014, but I was privileged to learn about writing and editing from (and to work for) Associate Professor Roslyn Petelin a long time before that. (Ros's latest book is in the Shopping section, below. You should buy it.)


One of the things I love about my work is reading across domains (and it's amazing how sometimes everyone is talking about the same things using different words). I mainly get work in the Humanities (Health, Built Environment, Psychology, Social Work, Public Relations, etc.) and I specialise in APA 6 and 7, but I have done style compliance for clients using other stylesheets, and will copyedit just about anything that is written in English, including novels, business documents, or even real estate signboards.


I have great respect for second-language students who are studying for higher education awards in English, and about a third of my clients are second-language speakers. 


While most of my clients are first-language (English-speaking) PhD candidates who want their work polished to a high shine (two of them have won prizes), still others are academics or professionals who struggle with writing for various reasons and feel more confident if their work is reviewed before it is published. 


Outside work hours, I read, write, draw, knit, run, play the piano, lose hours in Minecraft adventuring, and look after my son, who is 11.

CURATED EPHEMERA (from my Instagram)


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